Open Call

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What is the vitality of tea? Is it merely the caffeine flowing through our bodies, or the endless choices we can have? It is the sensibility and conductivity of tea to each individual life and its own creativity to seek nutrients for it to feel alive.

In the time of chaos and struggle, the virus is not the only thing might push life to the edges. Our instinctive ways to process and adapt during this special time through our hands, bodies and minds is like a kaleidoscope of the true world we live in and a genuine group reflection with individual viewfinders at this moment.

Our Summer Tea in Prospect Park 2020 is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). However with the potential of postponing the event, we are modifying our plans to allocate the fund to much needed projects for our community now and build that into the planning for the event in summer.

UPDATES: We are finalizing the details of the projects coming out of this open call now. Stay in tune.


MAKE IT WITH TEA Featured Artists
